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RMT 1 & 2 April 5, 6, and 7th Wichita Kansas

Fri, Apr 05


SPROUT Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Learn to assess for retained primitive reflexes and techniques for facilitating integration for increased impulse control, attention, balance, coordination, learning, social and emotional well being. No pre-requisite. Early bird discount deadline: March 14, 2019

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RMT 1 & 2 April  5, 6, and 7th Wichita Kansas
RMT 1 & 2 April  5, 6, and 7th Wichita Kansas

Time & Location

Apr 05, 2019, 8:30 AM – Apr 07, 2019, 5:00 PM

SPROUT Pediatric Occupational Therapy, BLDG 2200, 3500 N Rock Rd #101, Wichita, KS 67226, USA

About the event

Rhythmic Movement Training (RMT) courses involve using movements and various reflex integration techniques for optimal neural development. Many people with challenges such as ADD/ADHD; Sensory Processing Disorders; Autism; Speech and Language Delays: Dyslexia; PTSD; Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI); Cerebral Palsy; Developmental Delays; Depression; Anxiety; etc. have reported positive changes after following an RMTi program. RMT can be used as a stand-alone modality or easily incorporated into being used with other practices and techniques.

RMT courses are suitable for Occupational therapists; Physical therapists; Speech therapists; parents; social workers; family and mental health therapists; developmental optometrists; and Vision therapists; yoga therapists; classroom teachers; special educators; nursery and pre-school teachers; school counselors; healthcare providers; massage therapists, trauma specialists and caregivers; Kinesiologists; Alexander practitioners; Feldenkrais practitioners; Brain Gym instructors; neuro-developmental practitioners; osteopaths; and Chiropractors .

Instructor, Jenni Halstead has worked in Occupational Therapy as a COTA/L for the past 21 years. She has worked in the pediatric school setting for the past 11 years. She specializes in reflex integration and is a Certified Rhythmic Movement Training International Instructor and Consultant. Jenni has used RMT extensively to assist children with improving and overcoming problems associated with ADHD, ADD, PDD, sensory disturbances, Autism, Dyslexia and other reading deficits, Visual and perceptual disturbances, behavioral and conduct disturbances, bowel and bladder concerns and Downs Syndrome. She has used RMT with adults who struggle with PTSD, sleep disturbances, bladder dysfunctions, anxiety, attention problems and depression.


Regular price:

RMT 1 & 2 $625 (after March 14, 2019)

Early bird price: (paid in full by March 14, 2019)

RMT 1 & 2 $575

Retake: (please bring your manual from previous class)

RMT 1 & 2 combined with new 2018 manuals $370

using your old manuals $310

Price includes: A full color manual and online printable Certificates of completion for each, level one and level two, and an RMTi color illustrated Movement/exercise Menu. $100 is accepted to hold your place. Full amount to be paid by date specified to receive discounted prices. Payment plans negotiable with instructor.


  • Deposit to hold seat

    Hold your seat, but pay in full by the deadline to receive your early bird discount, or by the last chance deadline to attend the class with manuals, certificates and menu available at time of class.

    Sale ended
  • Early bird RMT 1 & 2 Combined

    RMT 1 and 2 taken consecutively. Full amount paid on or before the Early bird deadline date.

    Sale ended
  • Regular price RMT 1 & 2 combo

    RMT 1 & 2 taken consecutively. Registering after the Early bird discount deadline.

    Sale ended
  • Retake RMT 1 & 2 w/new books

    Retaking both RMT 1 & 2 consecutively. Must have previously taken RMT 1 & 2 through any RMTi instructor. This price includes the newly updated 2018 manuals. New certificates will be issued upon completion of class.

    Sale ended
  • Retake RMT 1 & 2 NO Manuals

    Retaking both RMT 1 & 2 consecutively. Must have previously taken RMT 1 & 2 through any RMTi instructor. NO MANUALS included, PLEASE BRING YOUR OLD MANUALS CLASS. New certificates will be issued upon completion of class.

    Sale ended



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