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Read what Jada, parent and Speech Language Pathologist says about Brain and Body Connections...

I have had much success with RMT both with my own children and with students that I worked with as an SLP.  My son started working with Jenni when he was 4 years old.  At the time he didn’t sleep through the night, would have huge melt downs over minor things, hated being around crowds or loud places, and his articulation skills were delayed.  Within a few weeks we noticed that the number of melt downs had already decreased dramatically and he was sleeping all night.  His articulation percentages also went from 60%-95% in words with sounds he had struggled to produce in isolation before.  After he had been doing the movements for two months he was able to be around crowds of people without having melt downs.  He was even able to ask to do the movements when he was starting to feel anxious about being around large groups of people or in noisy places.  If we could find a quiet place to do the movements for a few minutes he was then able to go back to the group and interact without any difficulties.  He wanted the movements done every day because he was able to quickly make the connection that they helped his brain and body feel better.  We continued to do the movements all most every day for 2 years.  He will still occasionally have a meltdown but is able to usually work through it by himself.  We still do the movements when we have a lot going on or are going through big changes because it helps him cope better.  I have been doing RMT with our younger son as well to help improve his focus and articulation.  If we do RMT prior to doing his speech work he will not only have more correct productions but also be able to focus better and work longer.  


As an SLP, I used RMT with many of the students I worked with especially students with articulation delays and autism.  The vast majority of the articulation kids I used RMT with made much quicker progress and were able to focus better which made our sessions much more productive.  These kids typically met their goals quicker and were able to be dismissed sooner from speech-language services.  I used RMT with students on the autism spectrum as well.  They too were able to better focus and meet their goals sooner.  We could always tell on the days that we didn’t do the movements because the students would have difficulty working or their percentages would be lower. Often times, the students would ask for or begin their movements before we even asked them to!


RMT and Jenni have made such a huge impact on our family that I have recommended it to several people.  If you have a child who is struggling academically, socially, or developmentally I would strongly encourage you to contact Jenni or Stephanie!

Read what Krystal, parent and Physical Therapy Asst. says about Brain and Body Connections...

My family first began working with Jenni when my youngest was 10 months old. Working in the therapy field myself, I was concerned that she was not showing any interest in crawling around 9 months. We began working with a pediatric physical therapist, and while the strength she needed to crawl was there, the sequencing and required movements were not. The more I watched and participated in therapy sessions the more I became convinced that it was related to primitive reflexes. I work primarily with adults so I consulted with another therapist who recommended I contact Jenni.  I did and Jenni met with us for around 2 hours. Through a very simple and painless evaluation, we found that 4 primitive reflexes had either not been integrated correctly or were not as strong as they should be. Jenni spent time with us showing us some very simple and actually relaxing movements we could do with our baby to help. Within 2 short at home treatments she was moving more and crawling very shortly after.


During the process of working with Jenni and my youngest, I also became convinced that my 4-year-old may be struggling with her primitive reflexes as well. She is a rule follower (I can that be bad right?). She is so extreme though she has a fear of doing things wrong and often will not try new things due to this fear as well as her anxiety regarding change or even when taking risks or doing things that other children would find fun such as going down a tall slide. She also had a need to always have me near and struggles when I am not. Her fear of embarrassment as well as fear of failure, anxiety, and not wanting to leave my side were interfering with her enjoyment of activities, etc.. Knowing all of these things could be associated with primitive reflexes, I asked Jenni to evaluate her as well. She did and again we discovered my oldest struggled with many of the same things my youngest did. We did many of the same movements we did with my youngest and have progressed to more advanced movements which we incorporate into games. My little girl who was so embarrassed she would not let us sing "Happy Birthday" to her each year, now requests it. She plays games and does things she would never dream of doing before and is much more confident.


We are so happy that we found Jenni. Her price is reasonable and worth every penny. We meet with her as needed, but the fact that she has taught us what to do and that we can do it in our own time and for as little as 5 or 10 minutes a day at times has been a huge part of our success. The movements are so easy that anyone can do them whether you are a therapist or not. I have since recommended Jenni to other friends who are having similar success and would recommend her to anyone who struggles with similar issues as we were or even ADHD, autism, and many other things. 

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